Practical information

How to get to Akureyri

If guests attending Tradition for Tomorrow in Akureyri need help with finding suitable and affordable flights and transport back and forth, contact Akureyri Travel, or by phone +354 460 0600

To get from the Keflavik International Airport to Reykjavik, guests can take a flybus that departs 45 minutes after each arrived flight.Tickets are sold at the airport lobby next to the exit. Please note that the buses are located 100 m outside the Airport building. Further information at . Taxis are also available.

To get from Reykjavík to Akureyri you can take a domestic flight. The airline´s name is Air Iceland (Flugfélag Íslands) and there are frequent daily flights. For booking and price checking look here:

Scheduled busses are also available. Further information here: and

Various practical information

Taxi service : Located in center of town. Tel (+354) 461 1010.

Getting around in Akureyri: Akureyri is a small town and guests will find that most often takes not more than 10-15 minutes to walk to where they want to go. Local busses are free and operate all week.

Car rental: Local and international car rental companies operate througout Iceland. Car can be booked through their websites, a travel agent or an airline and at airports. Many types of cars are available, from small family cars to powerful 4-wheel-drive vehicles.

Travel agency: Ferðaskrifstofa Akureyrar - Akureyri Travel sells and issues tickets and organizes trips for individuals or groups. Contact, (Tel. +354 460 0600) Akureyri Travel is located at the Akureyri central square.

Tourist information: The Tourist information in Akureyri is located in Hof Cultural Center. It is open daily 7:30-19:00. There you can get information, tips and details that are useful during your stay in Akureyri and surrounding areas.

Electrical current: The electric current in Iceland is 220 volts, 50 HZ AC. Most electrical outlets are DIN (the German industrial standard - two round pins), but many hotels offer variations.

Emergencies: Dial 112 countrywide for police, medical and fire emergencies.

Pharmacies: Pharmacies are open during normal business hours.

Banks: There are three banks in Akureyri: Landsbankinn, Íslandsbanki and Arion banki. All are located in the center of town. Opening hours are Mon-Fri 9:15 - 16:00

Business hours: Most shops are open Mondays to Fridays from 9 or 10 am and to 6 pm. Opening hours on Saturdays are often from 10 am to either 2 or 4 pm. Most shops (except food stores and the shopping malls) are closed on Sundays.

Shopping: Most shops in Akureyri are located either in the town center or at Glerártorg shopping center.

Smoking: Icelandic law prohibits smoking in public buildings. Those who wish to smoke must do so outside.














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